[Music] Tatiana Manaois – Homebody

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Tatiana Manaois - Love Diaries Of An Introvert Album

It is not longer news that talented singer, Tatiana Manaois has released her much anticipated album called “Love Diaries of an Introvert” yesterday and today we have decided to bring to you a song called “Homebody” which featured on the album.

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The new album that is currently available in selected markets worldwide is called “Love Dairies of an Introvert” and Tatiana has gifted out a total of 12 tracks on the project. Amongst the 12 tracks is her already released song “Luv That Shit.”

Listen Up and Enjoy!

DOWNLOAD Tatiana Manaois – Homebody

  1. MOLAE -

    I just love her dressing

  2. NATURE -

    The song is cool I love it

  3. shunnamite -

    When ever I listen to her songs,they makes me calm down. Thanks to her.

  4. Grace -

    I love Tatiana’s songs so much they make me feel Cool.


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