Tips For Musicians On How To Choose Their Keyboard

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Whether you’ve recently developed an interest in music or are about to start your musical journey as a student, the keyboard is an ideal instrument for beginners. The different types, however, can make it difficult and daunting to choose one. From digital pianos to synthesizers, there are various options available in the market. That is why you’ll be needing a keyboard buying guide to make the right decision.

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Here are a few tips to help you narrow down your options and make the best choice.

Consider the Size

The ideal size depends on how much space you have in your home, studio, or wherever you plan on playing the keyboard. A full-size keyboard, having 88 keys and seven octaves, is best for adults interested in learning this instrument. However, there are fewer sound options and the greater number of keys makes it less portable as compared to one that is smaller and lightweight. Along with portability, smaller keyboards have some great features to offer to satisfy the needs of both novice and professional players.

Check the Touch Sensitivity

The touch sensitivity or the action implies how the keys on the piano respond to being pressed. Make sure the one you choose has good touch sensitivity so that you don’t hurt your fingers while trying to play it. Since the strength of the sound depends on how firmly you press it, pressing the keys hardly will result in a louder sound. For beginners, however, a piano with weighted keys is a better option since it allows them to develop a proper playing technique.

MIDI Compatibility

MIDI, which is short for a musical instrument digital interface, connects a variety of musical instruments together by sending and receiving signals. If you’re interested in electronic music and wish to connect your keyboard with a computer, MIDI compatibility might be an essential aspect to consider. Individuals who mostly record their tunes, like music producers or DJs can find the best midi keyboard on and create effective sound quality tunes by having the ability to control the notes and much more. Additionally, performers who are looking to increase the flexibility and portability of a stage setup can benefit from this feature as well. Setting up and connecting a MIDI controller to a computer might sound daunting to beginners, but it’s very easy once you’ve bought a controller that suits your style and workspace.


The maximum number of notes that can be produced by a keyboard at a time refers to polyphony. If you want to play complicated rhythms with multiple notes, you’d want your keyboard to have much more polyphony than a regular instrument. However, there is a limit to polyphonic keyboards as well. If you exceed this limit, the sound will get thinner and thinner as you play more notes.


There are various aspects to consider before buying a keyboard. The most important thing to notice is whether you like the sound as it plays or not. It’s good to keep your budget in mind but don’t make the mistake of buying something extremely cheap as it will not give a good feel nor will it have the same quality. Especially if you’re a professional, you’d want a keyboard that offers clarity in the audio.

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