[Music] Tory Lanez – Melee

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Tory Lanez - Melee

Canadian rapper and songwriter Tory Lanez come out with his brand new song title “Melee“. A follow up track to his hot song “Broke Leg” featuring “Quavo” & “Tyga”.

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This is all after his latest Mixtape ‘International Fargo’ which open the eyebrows of his fans. The Five (5) tracks project welcome appearance of Koffee, Melli, Aya Nakamura and Davido.

It’s also welcome productions by Northboi, Kiddominant, Le SIDE, The FaNaTiX and IzyBeats & Walshy Fire. The new single is use to follow the takeover starts to 2019 .

This is after he end his diss track with Joyner Lucas, Don Q and the rest.

Take a Listen Below;

DOWNLOAD Tory Lanez – Melee

  1. Chibest -

    The street awesome for the guys hustling

  2. Ogoe khaled -

    I love hip hop, without hip hop am nobody


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