Akon – Too many Lovers Ft Pitbull

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Akon – Too many Lovers Ft Pitbull

Legendary singer, Akon has been off the music scene for a very long time time now and all he has left for his fans are only his previously released tracks which are no doubt mostly evergreen.

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The new song called “Too Many Lovers” features long standing rapper Pitbull and as usual Akon blends up his melody with sweet vocal plays while Pitbull takes on the punchlines.

Take a Listen Below;

DOWNLOAD Akon – Too many Lovers Ft Pitbull

  1. S.Mpumela -

    “Don’t let too many fall for you, because you just might fall too” lovin it.

  2. S.Mpumela -

    Don’t let too many fall for you, because you just might fall too ” lovin it.


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