Music and Learning: How Music Primes the Brain for Learning

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The value of music in learning extends beyond academic performance to social and emotional benefits that prime the brain for learning. Research on music and learning states that music produces several positive effects on the brain and body. Music helps you learn by activating both the right and left brain, improving attention and cognitive ability. Learning music also improves general comprehension skills overall. Whenever you practice music, it’s like a cross-fit exercise for the brain. Below are different ways music primes the brain for learning.

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Music as a crossfit workout for the brain

There are lots of cognitive benefits of music on the brain, which promotes learning. When you play or listen to music, it’s processed in several parts of the brain. It increases thinking skills and improves interpersonal communication. Engaging your brain in interesting activities strengthens the functions of the brain. This strength is transferred to learning.

You will be able to understand concepts faster than other students. It is because your learning abilities are greater than those of the other students. Whenever you are engaged in an interesting activity, the brain senses are activated. It enhances the connection between the different parts of the frontal lobe. This is a big deal as the frontal lobe is responsible for integrating information into decision-making processes.

It’s undeniable that the right music helps you get in the mood for studying and increases student efficiency. Sometimes, you will find it a bit challenging to play your favorite musical instrument to your fullest and do the assignments. The best option would be to pay for homework and get it done by professional experts. As a student, I pay someone to do my homework on Edubirdie. This helps me cope with urgent assignments as this homework service delivers quality work on time.

Music primes the nervous system and boosts learning

Studies on music and learning state that playing a musical instrument primes the brain to choose what’s relevant when involved in a complex process. This may be reading or remembering something that you learned in the past.

And one of the best ways to selectively enhance what’s relevant is listening and playing various musical instruments. When you get used to playing various instruments, this enhances the information-bearing elements in the brain. This improves focus and makes learning different concepts easier.

There is a very strong interrelationship between sensory systems and cognitive processes. The nervous system makes the necessary associations between the complex sounds in the music and picks what’s the best for you. Choose your favorite music for learning whenever you feel your concentration is fading.

Music as academic strength training

Listening to music can change how you feel, think, and make your next moves, and this plays a vital role in academic strength training. The right study music will propel you to keep reading without losing concentration. It activates the adrenal system to produce hormones that act as a huge motivational force. Good tunes push out that one more extra rep to take your learning process to the maximum.

Over time, you will get used to reading extensively, and your cognitive abilities will improve. You will be able to process more information than before. Significantly, music reduces fatigue when learning. A piece of good music can distract your mind when fatigue sets in and help you continue with learning.

Reduces anxiety

Reducing anxiety is one of the big effects of music on studying. Anxiety is one of the crippling blockades between students and their books. It’s very hard to concentrate when anxiety overwhelms you, and there is nothing much you can do about it. Listening to music lowers the feelings of anxiety and tension as you prepare for the exams.

This is why most students pop in their earbuds before heading to the library. Listening to their favorite tunes makes them feel relaxed or at ease to conquer the next chapter of the subject they are learning. The uplifting effect of music helps you learn comfortably with low anxiety levels.

Music is proven to ease student stress

Stress kills the power of learning. You will end up forgetting anything that you will read as you are too focused on the negative side of life. And this can be a huge block to your academic success. Stress runs high in the middle of the semester as lecturers do everything possible to complete the syllabus on time.

Playing musical instruments and listening to music has been proven to ease stress amongst students. Music provides a way to process your emotions selectively and lowers the effect of being overwhelmed with feelings.


There are different ways music primes the brain for learning. The above points will help you understand how listening and playing musical instruments prepare the brain for learning. So, whenever you feel things are not working out when heading to the library or study room, listen to your favorite music to cool down.

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