HorseShoe Gang – Liquor Store Church Freestyle

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HorseShoe Gang - Liquor Store Church Freestyle

Last October, Eminem laced “Liquor Store Chruch, a banger for KXNG Crooked’s Family Business collective. Now, another of Crook’s associations are coming through to body Em’s production, with the Horseshoe Gang officially delivering their own “Liquor Store Church” freestyle.

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While the original featured a more structured approach, the Gang’s version is all about the bars — that, and showcasing the symbiotic chemistry that exists between them. Fans of lyrically driven rap will find much to love here, as the three-minute Freestyle packs no shortage of clever punchlines and otherworldly multi-syllabic schemes.

In truth, it’s almost hard to keep up with the Gang, with each member simultaneously engaging in healthy competition while seamlessly coordinating to execute their game-plan as a united front. It feels like they’re only scratching the surface, and who knows what the future might hold for the rising Long Beach quartet.

Listen and Enjoy Below;


Watch the freestyle video below;

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