H.E.R. – The Journey

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H.E.R. - The Journey

When you think about H.E.R., seldom do you probably think about the NBA. Well, you can change that line of thinking, immediately. It was revealed today that the artist has been working with ESPN and NBA on a new ballad.

Overall, this song was meant to commemorate the playoffs and how hard it is to win it all. With the Conference Finals underway, the song has subsequently been released. Below, you can find a new track called “The Journey.”

Although this song is made for the NBA, it doesn’t have your typical barrage of basketball references. Overall, this makes for a much more enjoyable listening experience. However, that is not to say the song doesn’t match the spirit of the playoffs.

As you will hear, there is a ton of passion radiating through H.E.R.’s voice. Many of the players in these playoffs can resonate with the lyrics, and we’re sure the track will be a welcome addition to ESPN broadcasts.

Listen and Enjoy Below;

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