Frank Edwards – You are Good

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Frank Edward – You are Good

After so much anticipation frank Edwards finally released the single titled “You are good”.

God will manifest His glorious power in your situation, make you a point of reference, a channel of blessings, a symbol of success, a vessel of testimonies and a pillar of Joy. God will speak for you to make heaven open for your sake, every blessing from above will locate you and your household and whatever you say or do shall be seasoned with favour in Jesus name. Good morning and have a fruitful day.

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Down here is what he said:

‘‘I had a dream and I was saying these words in a room with very bright light, I couldn’t see anything but lights.. I could sense that there is someone on the other side of the bright light.. I literally woke up with tears in my eyes .. and I’ve been recording this song since I had that dream.. I just wanna share that experience with you. Be blessed.”

Take a Listen Below;


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