E.L – Body Bags

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BBNZ frontline Artiste E.L releases a brand new single ahead of his upcoming album BAR 3. He titles this One ‘ Body Bags ‘. Listen Up

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E.L seems to be heated up even more on this single compared to “Love God” which had a more sober and gentle tone. We can’t say the same for ‘Body Bags‘ as the title of the song is enough to push hot buttons. There are some verses in there which are obvious jabs to artists… I know they are directed to artists because, he made mention of Punch, Bars, Metaphors etc…

Some of the verses that got me thinking are “Why N*ggas wanna f*ck up the Franchise… Turning my allies against me, I swear I’m gonn’ bring out my best side” And other lines which compliments the former… He also said “I looked up to you, but now you loosing my respect“… I agree to be called a war starter if this does not have anything to do with Jayso.

There are more things said in the fam! About “His” (The person he is talking to) favourite rapper is scared to rap with Him (EL). You know what?, I don’t need to get into this and start connecting people to these lyrics. I will leave my comments for later and allow you to tell me what you think and how best these lyrics can be linked to their respective targets. Enjoy and share…

track below!

E.L – Body Bags

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