AUDIO & VIDEO: Falz – Wehdone Sir

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Take A Listen to Falz – Wehdone Sir DOWNLOAD Video

Just 2 months after the release of the joint project “Chemistry EP” by Falz and Simi, Falz is dropping new music! If you are an avid follower of Falz on social media, you would have noticed the new trend of the past few days #wehdonesir created by Falz in anticipation of this new tune.

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The song is classic Falz spitting comical lines and swaggering about the cleanest of visuals (Dir. by Clarence Peters) with his newly created and trending pose/dance, Wehdone Sir!

Listen & Falz – Wehdone Sir Below;

AUDIO: Falz – Wehdone Sir

VIDEO: Falz – Wehdone Sir

  1. jeebson -

    well done sir,well done Oga we the enjoy continue

  2. Dinozore -

    well done falz the bad guy,you just dey burst my brain. I love your flo


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