A Useful Guide for Beginners On How to Improve Their Violin Skills

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Perhaps arguably, most of the best music undoubtedly comes from stringed musical instruments. In the hands of a skilled player, they add a massive pop and oomph to both recorded and live music, enough to make the listener go wild. Perhaps next to the guitar, the violin is among the most popularly-used string instruments in almost all music genres.

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The uniquely rich and brilliant tones are among the most common reasons for the violin’s popularity. And if you didn’t know, the violin is also one of the easiest instruments to learn as an adult beginner. But how can you improve your skills in playing this instrument if you’ve fallen in love with it? Here’s a brief guide you can use as a beginner to improve your violin skills.  

1. Get a Quality Violin 

Like with any other instrument, your violin’s quality can make all the difference in terms of how you play and the effect you have on your audience. Different violin kits can sound different. Most importantly, your instrument of choice can impact your learning and perfection progress. If you’re just getting started, consider looking into some recommendable violins for beginners so you can choose the most appropriate instrument for you. They come in different sizes, strings, and budgets, but you can always advance to a more complex model as you improve your skills.

2. Observe Regular Practice with Pauses 

Like anything else in life, you can’t expect to master the violin overnight. It takes a sheer amount of patience, practice, and determination. With a frequent practice schedule, however, you can learn and improve your playing skills much faster than when your playing is restricted to occasionally. As a beginner violist, an average of twenty to thirty minutes per day of practice should do the trick.

All the same, don’t forget to take regular pauses from practice or playing, so your fingers and hands get adequate time to relax. Sore or injured hands can take your skills miles backward, whether your skin is fresh in the game or you’re approaching perfectionism. Over time, your muscles and fingers will adapt to playing for extended time periods with minimal strain. Overnight perfection should be out of your list of expectations by all means!

3. Learn the Importance of Coordination 

There’s a reason that playing the violin is said to improve one’s cognitive skills. Most importantly, it helps improve coordination between the hands, eyes, and mind once you master proper posture. If you can learn to find notes using your left hand while using the bow to produce sound using the right hand, the deal is sealed. The more you perfect your coordination between your left and right hands, the better you get at playing the violin.

violin player

4. Always Tune Your Violin Right 

Without proper tuning, a stringed instrument will always produce substandard music. As a beginner, this brings in the need to check your tool of the trade for tuning before starting your session. It is also all the more reason to regularly refer to your notes about music pitches and notes!

Violins are exciting musical instruments. They are easy to learn and master over time, but this doesn’t usually happen overnight. With a quality instrument, regular practice, and the other tips above, however, any newbie in violin playing can perfect their skills and possibly become the next big thing in town sooner than many people would expect.

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