Omah Lay – I’m A Mess

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Omah Lay - Boy Alone

One of the loved singers from Nigeria, Omah Lay hit the studio once again with this melody named, I’m A Mess. You will find this catalogue as the fifth track off his most-anticipated body of work, “Boy Alone”.

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Omah Lay has won the hearts of many music listeners. Since debuting into the music industry with, “Bad Influence”, the singer has gained fans who believes in his talent. Niphkeys (Produced of Naira Marley’s “Koloweyon”), did a great job on the production of this song.

Interestingly, Boy Alone album by Omah Lay encompasses fourteen euphonies, with vocal assistance from Tay Iwar and one of the Canadian lyrical genius, Justin Bieber.

Listen and Enjoy Below;


1 Comment
  1. Haron -

    My favorite song


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