Beyonce – Before I Let Go

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Beyonce Home Coming Album

Beyoncé releases a new song which she covers Frankie Beverly & Maze’s “Before I Let Go”, as she solidified the song with her solid vocal laid.

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“Before I Let Go,” is a bonus track off of her surprise Homecoming: The Live Album.  Her Netflix Homecoming: A Film By Beyoncé Coachella documentary all the way until the end, She plays this song during the credits.

This comes  along with a new album featuring live versions of all songs she performed at Coachella last year. The project is set to be release later in day.

Take a Listen Below;

DOWNLOAD Beyonce – Before I Let Go

  1. Destiny paige -

    Great song i love it

  2. Aman Mwakyusa -

    That’s so nice


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